Arrowhead Women’s Golf Association

Mission Statement:
To encourage women to play regulation golf together for fun, exercise, strengthening and developing friendships, and to improve their golf games.

Below are some useful links:

2024 Women’s Club Schedule

2024 AWGA Game Descriptions

2024 AWGA By-Laws

Thursday Women’s Club Sign Up Procedure

2024 AWGA Handicap Policies & Procedures

AWGA Handicap Policies & Procedures 2023

Tips and Suggestions for Improving Pace of Play

Wendy Philippi, President

Sheryl Irving, Vice President

Gerry Crocker, Secretary

Jennie Sandler, Treasurer

Julie Retzlaff, Golf Chair

Karla Peterson, Past President

Sue O’Donnell, Member Liaison

Karen Govier & Marla Duffield, Handicap Chair

Phyllis Millan, OWGA Senior Director

Sherry Rhoades, OWGA Junior Director